Wednesday, 29 February 2012

The French Electric - new single and gig

The first single by The French Electric is out now. You can hear a snippet here. It should be on iTunes soon if you want to buy it.

We're playing a gig tomorrow in Whitechapel at The Urban Bar. I get the feeling it is difficult not to spot the place... never played there before so am looking forward to checking it out.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

[Recording] New compilation

I'm on this new compilation of music made using Open Source Software. It's called No Tobacco and is under my name of Astrometria.

There's some great stuff on there and thanks to Walter for putting this all together.

[Theatre] Johnny Head in Air

Well, the next theatre piece I am performing in is Johnny Head in Air which is a Bhuto dance piece with live music by Vultures Quartet. Again this is a piece by Tom Bailey and the Mechanical Animal Corporation and really exciting and strange. I love it.

Sadly for the audience VQ will be onstage dressed like I am above. Hmmm. Oh, I haven't put loads of weight on I'm wearing 5 layers of clothes as it was so cold in the rehearsal place. 

We're on at 11:45 am at the Arnolfini in Bristol on Saturday 25th February. I hope you Bristolites I know will come - that means you, Leila, James, Mark, Anna, Annette and Caroline!

We're going to do some other performances at other festivals later in the year.

As ever - thanks so much to Martin and Mary Bailey for putting us up, putting up with us and cooking for us as well as scooting all over Bristol in a car full of maniacal props. It's a wonder the police don't stop us...