Monday, 30 January 2012

[Pd] Finally...

After what feels like months of working on stuff where I work with other people I've finally made a new piece. It's on my site - on the Audio page and is called The Chase.

The patch is composed of 4 sets of FM synths (well, ok they may not be strictly FM) and, well, anyway, you can see how it works above.

Monday, 2 January 2012

[Live] Videos added to

Just found some videos online of Vultures Quartet - most notably footage from our 50th gig at Boat Ting in December 2011 and footage from a gig we did at Tate Britain in December 2010. There are some others from The Foundry (with Ampersand) and one from The Others.

I'd forgotten footage existed for these gigs. They're on my website.

Thanks to Giles for recording most of these. You can see more of his films of bands here on YouTube.

Sunday, 1 January 2012

[Programming] FAUST

FAUST or Functional Audio STream is an amazing discovery. It is a functional language designed purely for writing DSP applications. What makes it really useful is that programs can be compiled to standalone applications (as in the picture above, which also shows almost all of the code written for that app) using the Qt library. More usefully, for me at least, it can be used to compile Pd externals.

It took me a while to understand how to write code in this language but it seems to be fairly simple once you get the hang of it and is definitely much more concise and simple to write than the C++ equivalent and because it is translated to C++ then compiled it runs just as fast.

As well as being able to compile standalone apps and Pd externals it can compile to all sorts of other plugin/app formats (VST, LADSPA, Max/MSP, iPhone and more). 

The code for the above app is as simple as this, and I think I have probably written this badly - I am sure it could be much easier to read - as you can see most of the code is for the positioning and creation of the GUI elements. The actual DSP stuff is quite simple.

declare name "SINES";


samplingFreq = 44100;

osc_group(x) = vgroup("[0]", x);
osc_group1(x) = vgroup("[1]", x);
knob_group(x) = osc_group(hgroup("[1]", x));
knob_group1(x) = osc_group1(hgroup("[1]",x));
kg1(x) = knob_group(hgroup("[1] OSC", x));
kg2(x) = knob_group(hgroup("[2] LFO 1 (SINE)", x));
kg3(x) = knob_group(hgroup("[3] LFO 2 (SINE)", x));
kg4(x) = knob_group(hgroup("[4] LFO 3 (SINE)", x));
kg5(x) = knob_group1(hgroup("[1] Filter", x));
kg6(x) = knob_group1(hgroup("[9] Output", x));
kg7(x) = knob_group1(hgroup("[2] Echo", x));

vol1 = kg1(vslider("[1]Volume [unit:dB] [style:knob] [tooltip: abc]",-30,-120,+4,0.1) : db2linear : smooth(0.999));
freq1 = kg1(vslider("[2]Freq [unit:Hz] [style:knob]", 440,5,200,0.01) : smooth(0.999));
squw1 = squarewave(freq1) *(vol1);
sine1 = oscr(freq1) *(vol1);

vol2 = kg2(vslider("[3]Amount [unit:dB] [style:knob]",-30,-120,+4,0.1) : db2linear : smooth(0.999));
freq2 = kg2(vslider("[4]Freq [unit:Hz] [style:knob]",440,0.01, 10, 0.01) : smooth(0.999));
sine2 = oscr(freq2) *(vol2);

vol3 = kg3(vslider("[3]Amount [unit:dB] [style:knob]",-30,-120,+4,0.1) : db2linear : smooth(0.999));
freq3 = kg3(vslider("[3]Freq [unit:Hz] [style:knob]",1,0.01,10,0.01) : smooth(0.999));
sine3 = oscr(freq3) *(vol3);

vol4 = kg4(vslider("[5]Amount [unit:dB] [style:knob]",-30,-120,+4,0.1) : db2linear : smooth(0.999));
freq4 = kg4(vslider("[5]Freq [unit:Hz] [style:knob]",1,0.01,20,0.01) : smooth(0.999));
sine4 = oscr(freq4) *(vol4);

moog_f = kg5(vslider("[4]Freq [unit:Hz] [style:knob]",5000,1,20000,0.1) : smooth(0.999));
moog_r = kg5(vslider("[5]Q [style:knob]",0.01,0,0.99,0.01) : smooth(0.999));

N = int(2^19);
interp = kg7(vslider("Interpolation [unit:ms] [style:knob]",10,1,100,0.1))*44100/1000.0;
dtime = kg7(vslider("Delay [unit:ms] [style:knob]",0,0,5000,0.1) : smooth(0.999))*44100/1000.0;
fback = kg7(vslider("Feedback [style:knob]",0,0,1,0.01) : smooth(0.999));
dvol = kg7(vslider("Volume [unit:dB][style:knob]",-120,-120,+4,0.1) : smooth(0.999));
skew = kg7(vslider("Skew L [unit:ms][style:knob]",0,0,5000,0.1) : smooth(0.999));
output = kg6(hslider("[4] [unit:dB] [style:knob]",-30,-120,+4,0.1) : db2linear : smooth(0.999));
a = sine1+squw1 <:
_, *(sine2) :>
_ <: _, *(sine3) :> 
_ <: _, *(sine4) :> 
moog_vcf_2b(moog_r, moog_f);

process = a <:
_, ((+ : sdelay(N, interp, dtime)) ~ *(fback)) /(dvol) : 
((+ : sdelay(N, interp, (dtime+skew))) ~ *(fback)) /(dvol)+(a), _+a :
*(output), *(output);